NEWS January - March 2008 January, 20 2007 The Test Announcement of KeSEMaTHUNT 2008
Semarang, Central Java. Here with, the name of selected candidates of KeSEMaT Member (CAMaT) after follow administrative test of KeSEMaTHUNT 2008: 1. Abdul Rohman Zaky 2. Ana Aizzaturroifah 3. Ayu Permana Sari 4. Dhimas Firmansyah A. 5. Farhan Pramudito 6. Febriana Mirasti 7. Havis Rachman Nursalim 8. Indriatmoko 9. Mohammad Saiful Amri 10. Widitya Imandriya 11. Yanuar Sandy Perdana
All of CAMaT will be interviewed by KeSEMaT in KeSEMaT Office Semarang. Here with schedule.
1. Monday, 21 January 2008 a. It will held at 3 PM - 4 PM: Indriatmoko, Farhan Pramudito, Ana Aizzaturoiffah. b. It will held at 4 PM - 5 PM: Haviz Rachman Nursalim, M. Saiful Amri, Febriana Mirasti.
2. Thursday, 22 January 2008 a. It will held at 6.30 PM - 7.30 PM: Dhimas Firmansyah A., Widitya Imandriya. b. It will held at 7.30 PM - 8.30 PM: Yanuar Sandy Perdana, Abdul Rohman Zaky, Ayu Permana Sari.
P.S. 1. CAMaT must attend the interview 15 minutes before it started. 2. CAMaT must wear polite clothes. 3. CAMaT will ask to answer the test about mangrove, psychology and scholastic. 4. CAMaT must prepare themselves as good as possible. 5. CAMaT who do not attend this interview will be rejected, automatically. [<]
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